
Calfurry Code of Conduct

V1.1 - 24/06/26

Ready for the rodeo pardner?
Here are a few things to ponder to have the most root-tootin’, high-fivin’ time together that’s full of respect, creativity, compassion, love, acceptance, and all the Calfurry things!

1. Organization & Vision

Alberta Anthropomorphics Inc. is a registered not-for-profit that organizes and produces private events known as Calfurry (convention), the Calfurry Christmas Party, and Club Calfurry Events (BBQs, etc.), collectively referred to as Calfurry in this document.

This code applies to all board members, Calfurry Staff, volunteers, vendors, visitors, and attendees of all Alberta Anthropomorphics Inc. events.

The goal of Calfurry is to provide a fun, safe, creative, collaborative, and inclusive environment for all its attendees, volunteers, and staff. Should attendees become aware of activities that do or may violate the code of conduct, please speak with a member of the Calfurry Staff to address the issue.

Calfurry cannot foresee all possible scenarios and as such Calfurry Staff may have to make judgement calls from time to time. The guiding first principles of our code of conduct are aimed at helping all participants to have fun in a safe environment. Calfurry relies on all attendees’ mutual respect and decency of judgement. If in doubt about appropriateness, err on the side of caution, consult with Calfurry Staff and accept their direction.

Notwithstanding prior notification, the most recent version of this document and adjacent policies will be used to guide Calfurry Staff responses. Calfurry Staff responses will be reviewed within reporting and accountability guidelines established in policy. Pre-registered attendees may receive notice of changes to this document via email.

2. Admission & Attendance

Attendance at Calfurry requires any person to obtain authorization when in Calfurry operated spaces, which may be obtained by registering at prior to any event. Convention issued badges are required when in any convention-controlled space and may be retrieved at the on-site registration desk. Badges remain the property of Calfurry.

In the event that an attendee’s membership or registration is suspended prior to an event, the attendee will be contacted via the email address associated with the attendee’s account. Should an attendee’s membership or registration be terminated at an event for violating the code of conduct, the attendee’s badge will be cancelled and must be surrendered to Calfurry Staff. Refunds will not be issued if an attendee’s membership or registration is revoked for violations of the code of conduct while attending Calfurry.

3. Safety & Security

The safety and security of all attending Calfurry is of utmost importance to us. If required, to comply with local guidelines, venue requirements, or at the order of a Jurisdictional Local Authority, Calfurry may be required to implement health, safety, and security measures to protect our attendees. Calfurry will make reasonable efforts to communicate with attendees what, if any, these measures are. Refusal to cooperate with Calfurry Staff directions may jeopardize the health, safety, and security of those present, and non-compliant attendees may be removed from the event.

Calfurry reserves the right to deny or revoke admission to any person for any reason. Severe violations of the code of conduct, guest safety concerns, and convictions of violent or sexual criminal offences, may indefinitely restrict a person from attending.

4. Service Animals & Pets

Animals that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability (including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability) are permitted in Calfurry spaces, and in any of the dining establishments on-site, in compliance with the Service Dogs Act of Alberta. Other animals are not permitted to be brought to Calfurry by any attendee.

The current convention hotel has pet-friendly guest rooms that are available by request.

5. Minors & Unaccompanied Minors

Any attendee under the age of eighteen in Alberta at the time of their registration shall be considered a minor. Minors who have registered prior to the event and become of legal age can have their status updated at registration services on or after their eighteenth birthday.

  • Any attendee under the age of sixteen must have a guardian or parent present with them at all times in any convention-controlled spaces.
  • Minors aged sixteen & seventeen require the consent of a parent or guardian to register,
    • Consent may be issued in person with contact information by the parent or guardian with no further attendance required, or
    • in writing with contact information at the time of registration.
    • Please see the Parental Consent Form available on our website.
  • Minors are welcome in all non-adult events, panels, and convention spaces prior to 10pm.
  • Between 10pm and 6am most convention spaces will be restricted to adults.
    • Minors will be disallowed entry, politely asked to leave if found in restricted areas, and ultimately removed by Calfurry Staff.
  • Adult attendees in age restricted spaces are expected to notify Calfurry Staff if they are aware of minors present in the space.

6. Vending & Sales

  • The sale of any goods or services shall occur only in designated spaces by approved vendors of Calfurry.
  • Vendors shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Calfurry Vendor Policy and conduct their operations only at the times and locations authorized.

7. Traditional & New Media

  • Traditional and New Media journalists and content creators wishing to attend the convention and publish or broadcast their recorded experiences must obtain permission from the convention
  • Media & Content Creators shall be bound by rules set forth in the video and photography policy.
  • Attendees are not permitted to represent the convention to the media without written authorization.
  • Media will be accompanied by a Calfurry Staff member that will ensure that Guests in the area know that media is present so that they can choose to remove themselves from the area if they so wish.

8. Video & Photography

Filming and photography are permitted by any attendee in large events spaces, the Marketplace, and all common spaces. There is no expectation of privacy in these areas. Filming and photography are permitted in panel spaces with the consent of panelists, unless expressed otherwise either verbally by the panelist, or by signage. In addition:

  • permission must be respectfully gained prior to capturing any person in any form of media in Calfurry controlled spaces.
  • attendees declining to be filmed have the right for their wishes to be respected. Delete or modify any captured media depicting them, and do not upload or archive their likeness if asked not to do so. Deleting is kinder than arguing.
  • video and photography of Calfurry events may not be used for profit generating or commercial purposes without prior written authorization from Calfurry.
  • attendees posting media online for social media use are expected to honour requests for removal of said media by Calfurry Staff if issued.
  • Calfurry Staff may take photos or video of convention events and spaces for general and promotional use without compensation to attendees.
  • Security cameras may be in operation on site in various locations. Footage from these cameras is only used for investigative purposes as needed.
  • drones weighing 250g or more are not permitted to be used on venue grounds. Mini drones (249g or less) are permitted to be used outside only for filming and photography purposes and must be operated legally and safely in accordance with CAR 900.06.
  • filming and photography are always prohibited:
    • in the Fursuiters Lounge,
    • of anyone entering, attending, or exiting the on-site health services spaces,
    • of anyone entering or exiting the restricted adult-only spaces.

9. Convention Hotel Rooms

Attendees who are also registered guests of the convention hotel agree to respect the hotel’s direction and property in guest rooms.

  • Hotel guests not registered to attend Calfurry risk having reservations cancelled if a reservation is made outside the Calfurry reservation block. In order for reservations to be honoured, hotel guests will need to successfully complete a paid registration at to access the hotel block link.
  • Signs on the doors of rooms are permitted provided they do not contain vulgar or offensive language or imagery and are applied without damage. Any damage to the door by room signs will incur charges from the hotel to their guest.
    • We suggest painters tape or 3M command strips.

9.a. Room Parties

  • Attendees intending to have room parties that feature the consumption and distribution of regulated recreational substances, louder music or video, and/or have higher than normal foot traffic to their room, are expected to register their party through the Room Party Registration and Notification form at
  • Calfurry may have the hotel place the registered hotel guest on a Room Party Floor if they qualify and assist them with related issues if they do not.
  • The room party list will not be shared or published.
  • A failure to register a party room does not exempt a registered hotel guest or registered attendee from abiding by Room Party Policies. A failure to abide by these policies may be a cause for eviction by the hotel.
  • Room Party Hosts agree to the following expectations:
    • Be the registered hotel guest of record and of legal age in Alberta.
    • Abide by the direction of Calfurry Staff regarding the room party.
    • No amplified, dedicated subwoofers, or loud PAs.
    • Party noise should be moderately low from the hallway.
    • Persistent noise complaints and violations will not be tolerated.
    • No Vaping or Smoking in hotel rooms, including nicotine and candy vapes.
    • Badge and ID checks (18+) are required of all party room attendees.
    • Do not serve controlled recreational substances to anyone appearing overly intoxicated.
    • Contact Calfurry Staff for disorderly issues first if any, or in the event emergency services have been called.
    • Tampering with fire safety equipment will result in an immediate ban and removal from the hotel and may incur criminal charges.
    • Respect the hotel cleaning and maintenance staff by minimizing messes before leaving the room the next morning, and immediately report any damage to the hotel’s front desk.

10. Peaceful Behaviour

Attendees are expected to demonstrate peaceful behaviour at Calfurry, and the following will be considered as disruptive or malicious behaviour and against community standards.

  • Placing stickers outside designated spaces.
  • Using portable speakers above a reasonable volume or in a manner disruptive to other attendees, or Calfurry events, or in confined spaces such as elevators.
  • Attaching signage that may cause damage.
  • Sleeping in convention spaces or public spaces of the venue.
  • Displaying adult content outside of authorized spaces.
  • Defiling or intentionally damaging Calfurry, venue, or attendee property.
  • Improperly or unsafely disposing of biohazardous waste.
  • Disrupting or interfering with a digital signal or frequency, or in any way harming or disturbing the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of any information, presentation, or communications system used by the venue, Calfurry, or others.
  • Impeding the ability of venue or Calfurry Staff or volunteers from executing their duties or failing to treat them in a considerate and respected manner.
  • Violating venue policy or local laws.

11. Public Displays of Affection

Public displays of affection are allowed with discretion.

  • Clear and ongoing consent before hugging, skritching, or making any other type of physical contact with other attendees is required.
  • Costumes, pup hoods, fursuits, and cosplay, do not grant consent to touch someone.
  • Sexually explicit public displays and acts will not be tolerated.

12. Harassment & Hate Speech

  • Threatening, harassing, making derogatory comments, or bullying towards any Calfurry Staff, attendee, visitor, or venue staff will not be tolerated in person, through social media, or online chats in relation to Calfurry.
  • Displays of hate symbols recognized by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network and variations are not permitted at Calfurry.

13. Clothing & Attire

Attendees are encouraged to express themselves in how they dress in accordance with the standards of age-inclusive furry culture. Calfurry is welcoming to non-traditional and creative costumes and clothing displays and offers spaces at a designated time for fetish and kink gear to be worn in the furry context.

  • Fursuits, pup hoods, and other pet play masks are allowed at Calfurry at all times.
  • Attendees wearing clothing or costumes deemed inappropriate for the space or time of day by Calfurry Staff may be required to leave a space or change.

14. Adult Spaces & Gear

Adult spaces are restricted from participation by minors and are not meant to allow or encourage sexual acts or simulated displays.

Participating at Calfurry in kink and fetish gear requires a keen awareness of the place, context, consent, and respect for those around an attendee. If in doubt about the appropriateness of your costume or clothing, ask Calfurry Staff for guidance.

  • Between 10pm and 6am adult oriented gear such as, but not limited to latex, neoprene, leather, fishnets, BDSM gear, and other sexually provocative clothings are permitted in designated adult only spaces (Gear Level 3).
  • Travel to and from adult only spaces require attendees to be covered in a way that is respectful to the general public who may unintentionally encounter them.
  • Between 6am and 10pm mild gear such as collars, leashes, harnesses over clothing, et cetera are permitted in general spaces (Gear Level 2).
  • Leashes may be attached to collars and only be held by the wearer.
  • Human genitalia must always be covered.
    • Paint, clear vinyl, and other clear gear does not count.
  • Costume replica genitalia must be covered outside of adult spaces.
  • Inoffensive personal hygiene should be always maintained for the benefit of all attendees.
  • Diaperfur padding visibility is to be minimized.
  • Diaperfurs are restrained from elimination in event spaces.

15. Weapons & Replicas

  • Realistic looking firearms (including disabled firearms, airsoft guns, starter pistols, cap guns, replica firearms, or any other item that could easily be mistaken for a firearm) are strictly prohibited.
  • Edged weapons that are worn as part of a costume must be sheathed and secured via a cord or zip tie (peace bonded), including LARP weapons.
  • Brandishing any edged weapon (unsheathed) or realistic looking firearm is a crime and law enforcement will be contacted.
  • No items are to be thrown, or projectiles used, within convention spaces.

16. Controlled Recreational Substances

Attendees of any kind are expected to moderate substance consumption. Attendees under the influence of substances are expected to always be peaceful and respectful in their behaviour in and around venue spaces and adjacent businesses.

Calfurry has a zero-tolerance policy against the possession, distribution, or use of controlled illicit recreational substances in event spaces. Violations will warrant immediate revocation of an attendee’s membership and registration, and law enforcement will be contacted without exception. If it can not be bought legally in Alberta, do not bring it.

  • Alcoholic & Cannabis Infused Consumables
    • Alcoholic drinks purchased outside of authorized venue spaces may not be consumed in venue spaces.
    • Alcohol drinks purchased inside of the venue must be consumed in the spaces purchased. Moving directly between the bar and restaurants with drinks is permitted,
    • Cannabis infused consumables may not be used in any convention spaces. Please enjoy outside of convention areas.
    • Alcohol may not be consumed in minor friendly spaces, health services, or registration spaces.
  • Vaporized & Combusted Substances
    • Tobacco cigarettes, vaporizers, e-cigarettes, bongs, joints, et cetera are not permitted to be used inside or within 10m (33 feet) of a venue entrance, air inlet, hotel room, stairwell, or parkade in compliance with the Tobacco Reduction Act of Alberta, regardless of the substance consumed.
      • Medicinal Cannabis prescriptions do not grant exceptions to this rule.
      • Nicotine and other vapes are not excepted from this rule.
    • Designated ‘smoking’ spaces are the only available places on site for consuming combusted or vaporized substances, this protects all attendees from air quality issues, and that of future venue guests.
    • The City of Calgary restricts alcohol and recreational cannabis consumption on public property as a violation of its bylaws unless by city issued permit, and grants property owners the right to lawfully set their own regulations.

17. Help & Assistance

Questions or concerns can be addressed by reaching out to a Calfurry Staff member and the team will do its best to ensure all can enjoy Calfurry in the safest, most respectful, and peaceful ways possible.

Attendees having issues with hotel rooms are asked to reach out to the hotel’s front desk to deal with those or other facility related issues.

18. Enforcement

Calfurry Staff will try to resolve issues peacefully and reasonably through discussion, requests, or direct orders. Often a quick chat will be all that is needed; however, escalations may include:

  1. a verbal warning,
  2. being asked to leave a space,
  3. being asked to leave the venue,
  4. surrender of convention badging,
  5. event registration cancelation,
  6. Club Calfurry membership cancelation,
  7. referrals to venue management,
  8. bans of specified or indefinite duration,
  9. involvement of law enforcement, or other Jurisdictional Local Authorities by Calfurry.